Thursday 8 September 2011




So I know I'm supposed to get back on the "impulsive nature" thing, but I'm encountering a bit of a writer's block at the moment. Speaking of writer's block, I just stumbled on a piece I wrote a while back during one of my "Writer's Block Phases". Although, technically you can not call it that 'cause I was still sort of writing. But that's not the point. The point is, I wrote a silly little poem then 'cause I was soo screwed up in the head with all my emotional drama that I couldn't focus on anything else. So, I had to get it all out somehow. However, I should inform you that it made no help whatsoever. Buy, hey! It was worth a shot, right? (Nah!) Anywho, here it is....the poem I mean;
I'd titled it: I TRY
I'm trying not to think of you
I'm trying not to care
I'm trying to live my life as if you were not there
I'm trying to convince myself being with you is wrong
I'm trying hard to do my best and come out safe and strong
But the more I try to do these things,
One thing's still left undone:
I'm trying hard to make you see
You just might be 'THE ONE'...

I know, sappy right? But I hope you liked it? (Not likely though)...ciao!!xx

Tuesday 6 September 2011


I have a problem, a weakness or an addiction, better still. My addiction is so chronic and devastating-the effects of which we may as yet still undermine but nevertheless should be treated with as much severity as other addictions like smoking and drinking-that it has resulted in a life long regret of which I am the most unfortunate recipient. I will however not go into the details of the effects of my addiction but be rest assured it is as horrific as you have imagined (probably not though).
However, I shall go on to tell you about my addiction and it is this.... IMPULSIVENESS. Yes, that's it. The dreaded impulsive nature. Shocking right? But this silent killer deprives you of every mental control. Why else do you think you buy much more than you bargained for when you go to the market? IMPULSE! Everything out there is screaming, "Buy me! Buy me!" and in your head the impulsive nature is going, "Yes!! YESS!! YES!!" And before you know it, you're incurring much more expenses than you can handle. Ring a bell? Well of course it does!!
But I have a plan. A plan to combat this self, deprecating addiction of impulsiveness. It's a really good plan which may probably help all of us (not likely). And this plan is as yet still unformed in my head. Will tell you all about it later...ciao!!