Thursday 3 November 2011


Hey, how you been?It's been like FOREVER. I've been not so busy, just more or less lazy, but right now I need someone to talk to and I'm grateful you took time to listen. Well, I've started my IT now (I don't know If I told you about that). I'm doing it in Radio Nigeria and it's for a month. It's been so exciting! (even though it's just been a few weeks).

There are soo many interesting characters here, it's like being in the real world! There's the unmarried, overly dressed and made-up lady who everyone laughs with but I'm pretty sure secretly pity for being too old and unable to 'find a man'. Then, there's this other IT student who has the THICKEST igbo accent I've ever heard in a male and has one sleepy eye and one awake one. No, seriously, he literally has one eye half-closed. I realise this may be a terrible thing to say about him. I'm not making fun of him, it's just an

The office I'm in is on the eleventh floor! We're so high up in the building so we have to take the elevator everyday. It's the most exciting part of the day for me, I don't think I could ever tire of elevators. It's impossible to take the stairs...AT ALL! (whether up or down). The one time I tried when we were told to exit the building, I nearly fainted..... and I was climbing DOWN! That day, there was a bomb scare in the building (the building is called Radio House). It was my second day there and I had just got to the office (with the lift mind you) when we were asked to leave again. So, we took the stairs cos everyone was scared that something could happen and they would get stuck in the elevator.

Come and see Nigerians running for their life! As usual, it was nothing, but the building didn't quiet down until early afternoon. Abuja is sooo alert now with this bomb threat thing. Nobody wants to die, even the so-called police bomb squad people that are supposed to be prepared for life and death situations. They just came in their rickety pick-up truck (just two of them) and they stood outside telling us it was a false alarm. They didn't even go in until much later. Of which I'm pretty sure they stopped at  the first floor before coming out again.

Well, life is boring for me (apart from the times I go to the office). Coming back home is such a drag and most times I can't wait for the next day. So, in general, I'm good. I hope you are too. (breaking hearts).............. I don't know why I'm writing this.... or sending this to you. I wish I could wake up and find out that the last one and a half years of my life was a dream (if not preferably a nightmare) and my life was back to its old self: Me, the never caring, forever hateful, sadistic bitch I was. But it's not, it's a reality, and one I'll have to live with for the rest of my life. Some times, I wish my life had a reset button.....

P.S: This letter really wasn't meant for you, I had written to mail to someone else when I realised that it wasn't worth it and these were probably things I should be telling you.....whoever "you" are.


WOW!!!This is like the first time I'll be alone for a long time in this office. For all those young achievers eager to start work out there, life on the job isn't easy o! And I'm not even doing anything serious yet. The office can be sometimes boring and I could stare at a desk for hours and mope all day. And then sometimes, it can be so much fun, six hours isn't even enough. However, quite frankly though, the long, boring days are a lot frequent than the fun ones.

Today is one of those boring days but on the plus side I get to use the Internet! So now, I'm "browsing all the browseables" I'm checking up on my e-mails, twitter and facebook accounts, and even my blog! As you have probably noticed since you're reading my post right now. That is, If there is anyone reading these posts.

Anywho, here I am...reveling in the simple pleasures of being able to browse free of charge with no nerve racking timer counting down the minutes I have left. The Simple Pleasures of a life given to freedom with the right to browse the net freely. A luxury which would be given to most citizens of this depraved third world. Oh! Sorry, forgive my saying. Nigeria is not a third world, it's a developing country with attributes that merely resemble a third world country.

But I'm not complaining or insulting or making fun of my beloved country. I simply have to do the most tackiest thing and state the obvious fact. The fact that in this country, the simplest, most basic necessities of life which should be free are rather given sparingly. It's just an observation, a sad one at that.