Thursday 3 November 2011


WOW!!!This is like the first time I'll be alone for a long time in this office. For all those young achievers eager to start work out there, life on the job isn't easy o! And I'm not even doing anything serious yet. The office can be sometimes boring and I could stare at a desk for hours and mope all day. And then sometimes, it can be so much fun, six hours isn't even enough. However, quite frankly though, the long, boring days are a lot frequent than the fun ones.

Today is one of those boring days but on the plus side I get to use the Internet! So now, I'm "browsing all the browseables" I'm checking up on my e-mails, twitter and facebook accounts, and even my blog! As you have probably noticed since you're reading my post right now. That is, If there is anyone reading these posts.

Anywho, here I am...reveling in the simple pleasures of being able to browse free of charge with no nerve racking timer counting down the minutes I have left. The Simple Pleasures of a life given to freedom with the right to browse the net freely. A luxury which would be given to most citizens of this depraved third world. Oh! Sorry, forgive my saying. Nigeria is not a third world, it's a developing country with attributes that merely resemble a third world country.

But I'm not complaining or insulting or making fun of my beloved country. I simply have to do the most tackiest thing and state the obvious fact. The fact that in this country, the simplest, most basic necessities of life which should be free are rather given sparingly. It's just an observation, a sad one at that.

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