Monday 6 February 2012


For all who’ve fallen and given in to the flesh;
The very nature that sought to please you, destroyed you.

And for those who’ve sunken so deep to the depths,
The image on the outside failed to fool you.
Your true self is locked away somewhere within,
Look into the mirror of your heart and don’t give in.

The darkness was choking, stifling and her breathing grew deeper as her breaths became hard. She tried to speak but her voice was hoarse, making talking virtually impossible and screaming out of the question. She felt hot, cramped, but she couldn’t smell the smoke, she could only feel as the burning heat enveloped her body.

As it did, she could feel her flesh slowly singe away. There was no pain, just the lingering feel of death. And the smell; the stench of burning flesh filled her nostrils. She could sense as with each movement, her innocence was being stripped away.

Her heart raced faster and faster and she was sure it would burst any minute. The sweat trickled down her face as the heat of desire burned her skin, gnawing at her every will. The more she tried to control it, the sooner she lost control again. Until, she could no longer fight. Gradually, she began to fall weak, succumbing to the very desire that sought to destroy her, to control her very being.

She tried to move, to take herself away from this abomination. But the harder she struggled, the tighter the grip on her body. It was like walking into quick sand: the harder she fought to come out, the deeper she sank. Soon, she was completely submerged and covered in filth and grime. She tried to think good, happy thoughts to take her mind away from the searing pain and the feel of waste. But it was no use. Her mind, like her flesh, had already caved to submission.

She felt her last will give way as she finally let go. The sensation washed over her like the sea washing over the sand on a beach. It tickled her senses as it moved over her body. She had given in; after what seemed like an eternity of fighting. Now, she had nothing left to fight with; to fight for. It was all gone. Her innocence purged away like a demon expelled during an exorcism. There was nothing left.

And then, as swiftly as it had started, it stopped. There was stillness in the air and as she took a deep breath, she felt nothing. Numb. And for a brief second she was pleased: At peace with herself. It was a flashing moment of bliss, for it was soon over. And when it was gone, the deep feeling of shame settled in. She rolled into a ball on her side as she let the wave of shame wash over her. And soon, she fell asleep again.


She woke up with a start, eyes wide open and the sweat from her face trickling down unto her hair. Her breaths were deep and hollow and for a second she didn’t know where she was. Gradually, it all came back to her in pieces: The unbearable heat, the burning flesh, her throbbing skin and aching muscles.

As the realization of the dream she had just had settled in, she suddenly bolted from the bed, nearly knocking over the bedside lamp. She glanced around her in a drunken-like haze and got up, running a quick hand over her body. She was fine – at least from all indications.

She crawled back into bed and tried to go to sleep once more but her eyes were wide open. She felt sleepy, but she couldn’t seem to get her eyes to close. She picked up the alarm clock on the bedside table and checked the time; it was 5:30 am. She placed the clock back and slowly, pushed her duvet to the side of the bed.

She was about to stand up when she felt something moist between her legs. Puzzled, she slowly sat up and glanced down at her legs, and in the darkness saw a pool of thick liquid on her bed. Fearfully, she stretched out a hand and touched the liquid with the tip of her middle finger; it felt warm. She brought her palm closer to her face and through a tiny ray of morning light peeking out of her bedroom window, she saw it clearly; blood.

She let out a chilling scream and tried to move. But she couldn’t feel her body. She began to feel faint and soon passed out.

Thursday 26 January 2012


So I'm back with more of  those "proverbs" you love so much. I have a bunch of them for you to roll over laughing with. Hope you enjoy them! They aren't as hilarious as the others though , their more full of 'wisdom' than 'wit'.
I especially like the Hebrew proverb which in essence teaches preparedness. I think the Spanish proverb talks about contentment and the Dutch one is on cheerful giving.
Well, I hope you learn from them as I did! Enjoy!

“Where there is smoke, there is fire.”
                                  Hindi proverb
“Many small streams have become a big river.”
                                       Swedish proverb
“It is better to have a bird in hand, than to have a hundred fly by.”
                                                                    Spanish proverb
“One who gives a lot, receives a lot”
                              Dutch proverb
“The one that prepares before the Sabbath, may eat on the Sabbath.”
                                                                          Hebrew proverb

Hope you liked it! And remember them as you go along for the rest of this month. See ya!!

Tuesday 24 January 2012


It's been a while...not much has happened and yet so much has. Today's the fourteenth day of our "21 day Fasting and Prayer" in my Youth Chapel and I can't believe it's been two weeks already. Two weeks of fasting and praying, falling behind on my promises to God but picking myself up again and again.
I made a decision to use this period to get my life back on far, it's working.
As for everything else, nothing stopped. People kept moving on. Children  born, people dying. The world never stops spinning and yet one can somehow manage to feel left out of it all.
I went to my former work place today. The place where I had my nine weeks IT training; Radio House. It was so amazing to see how much they were so excited to see me. And I couldn't help thinking, "It's so nice to be missed".
Nowadays my life has fallen into a steady routine: Wake up, Watch TV for a while at first and then later read my Bible and pray for one hour (I'm trying to learn strict devotion and meditation). Then watch Tinsel at 12:30pm and when it ends at 1:00pm, look for something to break my fast with.
It's pretty basic, yet there's a mystery to it each day and I honestly can't wait to see what the next day brings.
However, regardless of whatever personal progress I may be making in my life, the fact is that the world will still move on. Time comes and goes and the most important thing is what I do with mine. So far, I think I'm handling it pretty well.

Thursday 19 January 2012


Hey everyone! I've decided to continue with the proverbs and wise-sayings from different parts of the world today. I've spent a while collecting them from different places, and now, here they are!
There are five of them from China, Russia, Japan, East Africa and an Arabic proverb. So have fun with them but don't forget that as funny ot ridiculous as they may be, they also have an atom of truth. Cheers!

- “Three common men are better than one wise man”.
                                       Mandarin Chinese proverb
- “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”.
                                                   Russian proverb
- “The best among you are those who are best to womenfolk”.
                                                             Arabic proverb
- “Evidence over argument”.
                           Japanese proverb
- “Love is blind”
               Swahili proverb

So hope you had fun with today's proverbs. More's coming soon...Bye!!

Tuesday 17 January 2012


"The day began with dismal doubt
A stubborn thing to put to rout;
But all my worries flew away
When someone smiled at me today."
                    author unknown

When I was a little girl, my mum gave me this tiny litttle white book with the words, "Smile" written on the cover. It was a Helen Exley Giftbook and I cherished it so much that that little book became so worn out. But the words written inside are still intact, and frankly, to me that's all that matters.
I took that book everywhere with me and read it so many times that I could nearly recite it whole from cover to cover. Unknown to me then, That would be my foundation class in what was a growing fascination in poetry.
Every single line of that book is so dear to my heart, but the above lines from an unkown author is by far my favourite. And after nearly ten years, I can still remember the words.
I think I loved this book because for one, it came into my life at a time I was at the very end of hopelessness. It had been a gift to my mother and she had in turn given it to me, with the most beautiful inscription on the front page which read, "Dear Ronke, this is to put a smile on your pretty face - with love - mummy."
To date, it's my most cherished book and I would love to share it with all of you. It got me through the most darkest of times and I hope it does the same for you.
If you want to find out where you can get it, check out .

Friday 13 January 2012


Hiyyah!!So hope you liked the first tumblebugs wisdom, 'cause here's six more for you to ponder on, laugh off and share with friends. Hope you like!!They sure gave me a

- Everything takes longer than you think it will.

- If you look like your passport photo you’re not well enough to travel.

- No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

- A bit of hard work never killed anyone – but why risk it?

- A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

- Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead – to – know basis.

Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hey everyone!! It's been a while. Well, today I'm going to continue with my witty sayings and these ones are taken from a game called Tumblebugs. The game's a little like Zuma's Revenge, except you have to shoot at bugs instead. At the end of each level, they give certain "tips" which aren't really "tips" about the game but silly proverb-like sentences. I like to call them Tumblebugs Wisdom.
So here are a couple of them, hope you like!!:

- A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large.

- The two most important days in your life: the day you were born and the day you figure out why.

- Genetics explain why you look like your father and if you don’t, why you should.

- Diplomacy is the art of saying “good doggie” while looking for a bigger stick.

- Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.

- Never hold a dust-buster and a cat at the same time.

Now some of them I don't understand AT ALL!! Like the dust-buster one, what's up with that?! But hey, you've got to admit that they are kind of funny.Plus, they sort of have an atom of truth in them, like the genetics one? So I hope you have a good laugh about them...I know I did.

Tuesday 3 January 2012


It's a New Year! And I guess congratulations are in order. So first, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm so glad you get to be one of the blessed ones to be alive this year.
I had written out a perfectly good post for today but instead of that I've decided to share this link with you instead because it completely embodies everything I would have said and more.
Please check it out and send it to as many people as you can. If we really want to do this, then we should do it right:
WHEN, WHERE, HOW AND WHY. #OccupyNigeria

It's important for us to never fear to fight for what we believe in and for as long as we have the strength, make our voices heard! Long Live Nigeria!!