Wednesday 28 December 2011


Ever notice that things never quite work out as we plan them to? We make plans, New Year resolutions and the like but most times end up spending more time making them than actually doing them.
Bottom Line: Things never work out as we plan. Planning...Scheming... Preparing what we want our lives to be like NEVER WORKS!!!
For instance, I had "planned" to put up a blog post on Christmas day. I had the entire article written and ready to go. Care to take a guess as to what happened? Yep, the "plan" flunked.
So my advice? Quit planning!! Things only work out how they were supposed to in the first place anyway. So what's the use wasting our time bothering?
And if things don't work out as you plan? Make a new one!
But hey, what do I know? I may just as well be rambling! But you can't deny the fact that I may have a point.
Anywho, taking my own advice to make a new plan, this is the piece that I "planned" to post here on Christmas Day. Hope you like!!(Let me know what went wrong if you don't)

This is a message for you this Christmas,
  so share it with all your family and friends.
Once, a little boy had nothing to live on,
 except a threadbare jacket and a few pieces of bread.
He met a homeless man on his way one day,
 with nothing but sores on his arms, feet and face.
He stopped and sat with him and said,
 "Hey mister! It's Christmas, would you like to share my bread?

In all honesty, this little boy knew not nor cared,
 where his next meal would come from or where he would lay his head.
All he knew was what he had done:
 It was Christmas, he had food but this old man had none.
So together they sat in the cold on this fine day,
 celebrating the birth of our Lord in their own way.

Thus, let this be an example to each and every one of us,
 that in the midst of our bounty there are some who have none.
And let it be a reminder to us for all time:
that the reason for the season is giving,
 even if all you have is a dime.

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