Saturday 31 December 2011

LESSONS LEARNED...four hours to the end

This year was hard for me in a lot of ways. But as hard as it was, I also feel like I've grown. I've learnt a great deal: 

I've learnt how to love and be loved (believe me, it's not as easy as it sounds and frankly I'm still working on it). It's like you feel that you don't deserve the good things of life that you have, but here's the shocker: YOU DO! You do deserve to be happy. You do deserve to be loved. And you do deserve the Grace of God that keeps you alive.
So I've also learnt to love myself and to know that loving myself means doing things that are beneficial to my life, not just permitted. After all, the Bible says, "some things are permissible but not all things are beneficial". So just because smoking is okay doesn't mean I should indulge in it and kill my lungs. (I mean, just saying).
I've also learnt to love and respect people who may be different from me. I've learnt to accept them as they are without judging them, even though I may not accept what they are doing. It's not my place to serve as their judge.
I've learnt to step out of my status quo and prove that I can do whatever I set my heart to do. Our destiny isn't set out in stone. We can change it. Either for good or bad. (Although I reccommend good)
I've learnt that although love could be so tarnished and faded and sometimes it may look like it's not there, at the darkest hour just before dawn, it begins to brighten and change into something new and beautiful and fill our hearts with so much light and life.
I've learnt that life is too short to waste it focused on the bad things and thinking of ways to hurt others or how others have hurt us. Instead, it should be spent creating memories that we can live on and that can live on after us, long after we're gone.
I've learnt to never feel like people owe me something because happiness is only achieved by looking at what you can do for others and not what can be done for you. It's a simple principle of selfless giving, which has existed for a long time, you know? God gave his only son, remember? We didn't even ask, he just did.

I've learnt a lot more this year as I'm sure we all have too. So as we get our wishes and aspirations for the new year ready, let's not forget the lessons learned as this year rolls by and in the new year to come let's always learn to take count of the little things in life that matter and the little lessons that we have learned.
Till then however... Bye!! Ciao!! Au revoir!! Adios!! Arivaderci!! Sayonara!! And see ya in the year 2012!....

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Ever notice that things never quite work out as we plan them to? We make plans, New Year resolutions and the like but most times end up spending more time making them than actually doing them.
Bottom Line: Things never work out as we plan. Planning...Scheming... Preparing what we want our lives to be like NEVER WORKS!!!
For instance, I had "planned" to put up a blog post on Christmas day. I had the entire article written and ready to go. Care to take a guess as to what happened? Yep, the "plan" flunked.
So my advice? Quit planning!! Things only work out how they were supposed to in the first place anyway. So what's the use wasting our time bothering?
And if things don't work out as you plan? Make a new one!
But hey, what do I know? I may just as well be rambling! But you can't deny the fact that I may have a point.
Anywho, taking my own advice to make a new plan, this is the piece that I "planned" to post here on Christmas Day. Hope you like!!(Let me know what went wrong if you don't)

This is a message for you this Christmas,
  so share it with all your family and friends.
Once, a little boy had nothing to live on,
 except a threadbare jacket and a few pieces of bread.
He met a homeless man on his way one day,
 with nothing but sores on his arms, feet and face.
He stopped and sat with him and said,
 "Hey mister! It's Christmas, would you like to share my bread?

In all honesty, this little boy knew not nor cared,
 where his next meal would come from or where he would lay his head.
All he knew was what he had done:
 It was Christmas, he had food but this old man had none.
So together they sat in the cold on this fine day,
 celebrating the birth of our Lord in their own way.

Thus, let this be an example to each and every one of us,
 that in the midst of our bounty there are some who have none.
And let it be a reminder to us for all time:
that the reason for the season is giving,
 even if all you have is a dime.

Friday 16 December 2011

TO MY FIRST 'COMMENTER'!! ... if that's even a word.

Hey y'all!! I'm in a super-duper, over-excited, happy, mood today! You know why? 'cause I just got my very first comment!! Yay!!!
I checked my email today and saw that I had a comment from someone named "Anonymous". I know this is strange but so many things have been happening in my life since I've started counting down and taking note of the occurences in my life and today more than ever, I would like to take count.
So today being the last day of the countdown, I would like to thank my very first 'commenter' (forgive my spelling if it's wrong).
I know 'Anonymous' is no one's name and it's just someone who didn't want his name to be published on my blog. But to 'Anonymous', whoever you are, I just want to say a big THANK YOU! You have no idea how much you've made my day. Thank you, and to all of you who have read or read my blog....THANK YOU!!

Taking count of everyday of your life helps you to appreciate the most important little things that helps you make the big things count!!

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Today is the third day of my countdown to the end of my two month long intern-ship. I have two days to go in the broadcasting house I work at (Radio Nigeria). And as I was thinking of what to post on this fine day to commemorate my countdown, I stumbled on a facebook post from a friend about a Nigerian girl named Tosin who has been missing for five days in the United States.
I didn't know what to think. I've watched so many programmes on Crime and Investigation channel for my mind to decide on it's own what may have happened to her. But God forbid it! The evil ones will not have the upper hand, not this time.
Please, this goes out to everyone out there, especially Nigerians all over the world. We may not have known her, we might never know her. But she's one of us and we've got to help our own. Please, send this to as many people as you can, in as many was as you can. So we can create awareness, get everyone searching and bring Tosin home. P.S - there is a blog about her, the link is below.

Help bring Tosin home. Everyone is praying and waiting for your return, Tosin.: Help bring Tosin home. Everyone is praying and wai...: Yesterday, I heard one of the worst news ever. I found out that the beautiful lady whose picture is on the left, Tosin Oyelowo, went missing...

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Was flipping through my notebook today (it's the fourth day of the countdown to the end of my intern-ship by the way) and I stumbled on a poem I had written a while back but didn't finish. So I decided to finish it today in the office and so here it is. I call it KNIGHT IN LOVE. Hope you enjoy it!!

What an irony,
           indeed it's true!!
For I'm always on his mind,
           as you are in mine too!!
My heart feels taken,
          given as in a duel.
Fighting a long lost battle,
          and knowing not what to do.
It's fate that keeps us bound,
          in these two separate plains:
Apart, yet so close;
         Together, yet so far away.
Love was our sail-boat,
          but now is lost at sea;
                                        beaten down by the stormy waves of passion and greed,
                                        now is washed ashore the sandy beaches of our past,
                                        broken down and dismembered, who knew it wouldn't last.
The gulls and crabs and things
        sort through the remains,
The last bit of what once was,
        scattered through the plains.
But out of the stormy clouds,
        peeks the morning sun.
And out of the debris of our old love,
        new life has begun.

Monday 12 December 2011


So it's a countdown to the end of my intern-ship training (IT) at Programmes Unit, Radio Nigeria and I'm taking account of all the things going on so I don't forget it. Well, it's five days to go and a very interesting thing happened today. The business trend in the office reached its peak; I'll explain:

It first started about three weeks ago. The latest addition to the office 'staff' is an artist and her function on the Radio isn't exactly clear cut. The short story is; they help with production. Anyhow, for the purpose of anonymity we shall call her 'Artie' in this blog.

So Artie brought her aunt's beads and jewellery to sell and we all - like the women that we are - rushed on it like pigeons around crumbs of bread and bought our hearts out. I was even convinced to buy a necklace and matching earrings using the guise that it was for my sister's recently celebrated birthday and I had never given her a gift as an excuse to pay such a large amount of money for two pieces of jewellery and not even original ones at that (The stones on the earring came out when it fell that day).

After the jewellery spree, I brought some baby clothes to sell for my mum. Yes, I did. I fell and joined the booming, upcoming office business trend. And boy did I sell! Well, I just sold to one person but who's counting? It's baby clothes for pete's sake! It's not exactly a booming market. People don't buy baby clothes unless they have a baby to buy them for. It's an on-demand item.

Anyway, today Aunty Amy (not her real name) also brought some stuff to sell for her sister and the office came alive once more with business activity. Buying on credit, paying later and taking stock. So this has become the business. And the pleasure? Whatever their being paid for from nine to five every day.
But that's not true. They do their work, they just do something else, something additional on the side. It's not mixing business with pleasure, it's simply putting business before pleasure. Sounds fun, right?

Sunday 11 December 2011


So yesterday I stumbled on a couple of strange proverbs from different languages. The funny thing about these proverbs is that they share an extreme similarity with the culture and tradition of the people. But then why shouldn't they? That's why they're their proverbs right?
Well, here are a few of them. Some are funny but have a definite truth in them, others are just downright silly. But I won't decide that for you, you can make your own judgements for yourself.
  1. “Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves”. (German proverb)
  2.  “One who finds a friend finds a treasure.” (Italian proverb)
  3.  “May it be healthy for you” (Turkish proverb)
  4. “A strong stomach makes a happy heart.” (Quechua proverb) And if you didn't know, Quechua is the most widely spoken Native American language in South America.
  5.  “When the master’s not home, the chickens will get into the shrimp pot.” (Vietnamese proverb) 
What did I tell you? Funny, silly AND true. Anywho, part two of Proverbs 101 will be coming up soon. For now, have fun with this. See ya!!

Saturday 10 December 2011


So, it's been a while. A LOT has happened, but I won't bore you with the boring details of my life. All I'll say is; it's been good. I'm almost done with my IT training with Radio Nigeria (I have just one more week left) and I may likely have a play acted on the radio, so fingers crossed!
So I wrote two poems for a competition of sorts. I'm going to post it here. Hope you like it!!

The Summer sun shines warm and bright
The winter snow makes all things white
In Autumn (or Fall- as it could be called)
The leaves dry up and begin to drop
But Spring makes it all come alive again
As another year begins, another season to grain.

The Second doesn't really have a title. Enjoy!!

You are one in a million and a million in one
You are the healing balm to my aching heart
Your presence is as the sun
Giving light and giving life

Thursday 3 November 2011


Hey, how you been?It's been like FOREVER. I've been not so busy, just more or less lazy, but right now I need someone to talk to and I'm grateful you took time to listen. Well, I've started my IT now (I don't know If I told you about that). I'm doing it in Radio Nigeria and it's for a month. It's been so exciting! (even though it's just been a few weeks).

There are soo many interesting characters here, it's like being in the real world! There's the unmarried, overly dressed and made-up lady who everyone laughs with but I'm pretty sure secretly pity for being too old and unable to 'find a man'. Then, there's this other IT student who has the THICKEST igbo accent I've ever heard in a male and has one sleepy eye and one awake one. No, seriously, he literally has one eye half-closed. I realise this may be a terrible thing to say about him. I'm not making fun of him, it's just an

The office I'm in is on the eleventh floor! We're so high up in the building so we have to take the elevator everyday. It's the most exciting part of the day for me, I don't think I could ever tire of elevators. It's impossible to take the stairs...AT ALL! (whether up or down). The one time I tried when we were told to exit the building, I nearly fainted..... and I was climbing DOWN! That day, there was a bomb scare in the building (the building is called Radio House). It was my second day there and I had just got to the office (with the lift mind you) when we were asked to leave again. So, we took the stairs cos everyone was scared that something could happen and they would get stuck in the elevator.

Come and see Nigerians running for their life! As usual, it was nothing, but the building didn't quiet down until early afternoon. Abuja is sooo alert now with this bomb threat thing. Nobody wants to die, even the so-called police bomb squad people that are supposed to be prepared for life and death situations. They just came in their rickety pick-up truck (just two of them) and they stood outside telling us it was a false alarm. They didn't even go in until much later. Of which I'm pretty sure they stopped at  the first floor before coming out again.

Well, life is boring for me (apart from the times I go to the office). Coming back home is such a drag and most times I can't wait for the next day. So, in general, I'm good. I hope you are too. (breaking hearts).............. I don't know why I'm writing this.... or sending this to you. I wish I could wake up and find out that the last one and a half years of my life was a dream (if not preferably a nightmare) and my life was back to its old self: Me, the never caring, forever hateful, sadistic bitch I was. But it's not, it's a reality, and one I'll have to live with for the rest of my life. Some times, I wish my life had a reset button.....

P.S: This letter really wasn't meant for you, I had written to mail to someone else when I realised that it wasn't worth it and these were probably things I should be telling you.....whoever "you" are.


WOW!!!This is like the first time I'll be alone for a long time in this office. For all those young achievers eager to start work out there, life on the job isn't easy o! And I'm not even doing anything serious yet. The office can be sometimes boring and I could stare at a desk for hours and mope all day. And then sometimes, it can be so much fun, six hours isn't even enough. However, quite frankly though, the long, boring days are a lot frequent than the fun ones.

Today is one of those boring days but on the plus side I get to use the Internet! So now, I'm "browsing all the browseables" I'm checking up on my e-mails, twitter and facebook accounts, and even my blog! As you have probably noticed since you're reading my post right now. That is, If there is anyone reading these posts.

Anywho, here I am...reveling in the simple pleasures of being able to browse free of charge with no nerve racking timer counting down the minutes I have left. The Simple Pleasures of a life given to freedom with the right to browse the net freely. A luxury which would be given to most citizens of this depraved third world. Oh! Sorry, forgive my saying. Nigeria is not a third world, it's a developing country with attributes that merely resemble a third world country.

But I'm not complaining or insulting or making fun of my beloved country. I simply have to do the most tackiest thing and state the obvious fact. The fact that in this country, the simplest, most basic necessities of life which should be free are rather given sparingly. It's just an observation, a sad one at that.

Thursday 8 September 2011




So I know I'm supposed to get back on the "impulsive nature" thing, but I'm encountering a bit of a writer's block at the moment. Speaking of writer's block, I just stumbled on a piece I wrote a while back during one of my "Writer's Block Phases". Although, technically you can not call it that 'cause I was still sort of writing. But that's not the point. The point is, I wrote a silly little poem then 'cause I was soo screwed up in the head with all my emotional drama that I couldn't focus on anything else. So, I had to get it all out somehow. However, I should inform you that it made no help whatsoever. Buy, hey! It was worth a shot, right? (Nah!) Anywho, here it is....the poem I mean;
I'd titled it: I TRY
I'm trying not to think of you
I'm trying not to care
I'm trying to live my life as if you were not there
I'm trying to convince myself being with you is wrong
I'm trying hard to do my best and come out safe and strong
But the more I try to do these things,
One thing's still left undone:
I'm trying hard to make you see
You just might be 'THE ONE'...

I know, sappy right? But I hope you liked it? (Not likely though)...ciao!!xx

Tuesday 6 September 2011


I have a problem, a weakness or an addiction, better still. My addiction is so chronic and devastating-the effects of which we may as yet still undermine but nevertheless should be treated with as much severity as other addictions like smoking and drinking-that it has resulted in a life long regret of which I am the most unfortunate recipient. I will however not go into the details of the effects of my addiction but be rest assured it is as horrific as you have imagined (probably not though).
However, I shall go on to tell you about my addiction and it is this.... IMPULSIVENESS. Yes, that's it. The dreaded impulsive nature. Shocking right? But this silent killer deprives you of every mental control. Why else do you think you buy much more than you bargained for when you go to the market? IMPULSE! Everything out there is screaming, "Buy me! Buy me!" and in your head the impulsive nature is going, "Yes!! YESS!! YES!!" And before you know it, you're incurring much more expenses than you can handle. Ring a bell? Well of course it does!!
But I have a plan. A plan to combat this self, deprecating addiction of impulsiveness. It's a really good plan which may probably help all of us (not likely). And this plan is as yet still unformed in my head. Will tell you all about it later...ciao!!

Thursday 16 June 2011

I dared myself to dream
And I saw your face so strong,
Even though deep in my heart
I knew it was wrong,
You’re in my mind all the time like a bad habit,
I need you out of my head,
Don’t you understand? Damn it!
Could this be love? Maybe it is...
For I can’t feel my heart
Or even think or breathe
I want to know if you feel it too;
If your love for me is all you need to get through.
I can’t help but think of you,
And I wonder if you think of me too...